West Virginia is testing and as of March 13, 2020 there are no confirmed cases of the COVID-19. The Health Department is working closely with the County partners to mitigate and protect the County citizens. WV Governor Justice with State Officials have recommended that Individuals 60 years and older and or people with compromised immune systems or underlying health conditions should avoid non essential public places. Reconsider non essential travel.
Communities should cancel all mass gatherings or special events. Determine how to continue support services for individuals in need.
Schools: Dismissed after today until further notice. All extra curricular activities are cancelled. Refer to Hancock County Schools for specifics.
Workplace: Encourage staff to telework when feasible especially those with increased risk for severe illness.
See the attached links for great resources for all.
The state has set up a COVID-19 Hotline for General inquiries 1-800-887-4304
Health Department is available to as